Survey 2025 Survey - February HeroesFebruary 14, 2025 Concert Thank you for attending the "Heroes" concert with the Civic Symphony of Green Bay on Valentine's Day. We appreciate you joining us and hope you enjoyed the evening. All survey questions are optional, so please share as much or as little as you want. We look forward to reading your feedback. This survey will close on February 28.How did you hear about today's concert? (check all that apply) Family/friend is a performer Word of mouth Online community calendar CSGB brochure CSGB website CSGB email Great Music Green Bay card Social media Poster/Flyer Wisconsin Public Radio Newspaper article Weidner Wire via Badger State Girl Choir OtherIf other, please describe:Was this your first Civic Symphony of Green Bay concert? Yes NoDo you think you will return? Yes No UndecidedWelcome back! How many CSGB concerts do you typically attend each season? 1 2 3 4Do you have season tickets? Yes NoWhat types of orchestral music do you typically enjoy? (check all that apply) Baroque Period (1580-1750) such as J.S. Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi Classical Period (1730-1820) such as Beethoven, Haydn, and Mozart Romantic Period (1800-1910) such as Brahms, Tchaikovsky, and Wagner 20th Century composers such as Copland, Shostakovich, and Stravinsky 21st Century composers (typically still living) Musicals such as Hamilton, Phantom of the Opera, and West Side Story Operas such as Carmen, La Bohème, and Turandot Movie Music such as Star Wars, Titanic, and the Wizard of Oz Jazz such as Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, and Glenn Miller Chamber Music (smaller groups and ensembles)Did you come with anyone? Yes Just my family/friend on stage No, I was completely soloWho? (check all that apply) Spouse/significant other Immediate family Extended family Friend(s) Coworker(s) Other groupRate the concert length Too short Just right Too longWhich selections would you enjoy hearing again? Prelude to Act III (from Lohengrin) For the Love of a Princess (from Braveheart) Beethoven's Symphony No. 3 Rocky Broadway I Vow to Thee, My Country The Magnificent Seven Suite King Arthur: Lion in the WildernessWhat sections of the program book did you read? (check all that apply) Welcome letter Mission statement/board of directors Conductor bio Concert order Special guest bios Personnel roster Upcoming concert info Donor listing AdvertisementsAre you more likely to frequent businesses that advertise in our program book? Yes NoDid you check out the program notes online at Yes No Not yet, but I may laterDid you find the program notes contributed to your understanding and enjoyment of the music? Yes NoWhich items did you enjoy? At a Glance About the Composer About the MusicDo you use social media? Sorry, I didn't hear you because I was busy making a TikTok I scroll my newsfeed and post occasionally I have accounts, but rarely sign in NopeDo you follow CSGB on social media and where? Facebook Instagram LinkedIn X (formerly Twitter) YouTube I don't currently follow CSGBCSGB is considering some options for future seasons. Do you have time to answer a few additional questions to help us decide where to focus our efforts? Yes NoHow interested would you be in......a shorter concert on a Saturday morning or early afternoon with a program geared toward families? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very much...a holiday concert during the month of December? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very much...a summer outdoor concert? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very much...a chamber music concert? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very much...pre-concert talks/educational presentations? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very receptions/social gatherings? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very much...concerts at alternate venues (local businesses or another arts organization)? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very much...Wine with the Symphony? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very much...a golf outing fundraiser? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very much...special events for ticket holders? Not at all Maybe/depends Probably Very muchCSGB wants to better understand our audience. Do you feel comfortable sharing demographic information? All fields are optional, so it's okay to skip any question you'd prefer not to answer. Yes NoZIP CodeAge 17 and under 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 and overGender- Select -FemaleMaleRace (check all that apply) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian, including Hmong Black or African American Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Hispanic or Latino Middle Eastern/North African White or Caucasian OtherIf other, please describe:Highest level of education- Select -Less than high school diplomaHigh schoolSome collegeTechnical school degreeUndergraduate degreeGraduate degreeHigher educationIf you could tell us anything...Would you like to be contacted about your comments? Yes NoFirst NameLast NameEmail AddressPhone NumberSubmit Survey